Today, when everything is already computerized and digitized, NAS backups are an excellent option to avoid irreparable data loss.

In general, a backup is a necessity of any company or major business, because a problem in computer equipment can mean a huge financial loss. bacobolts

Most people think that their data is safe on a hard drive or a USB stick, but you should know that this is not the case. The Internet is a very dangerous world, and any wrong step can lead to spoiling all the progress you make on a project. Or, worse still, to the deletion of all the files of your business.

So that this does not happen, it is necessary that you know how a NAS backup works and what advantages it offers you.

What is a backup?

A backup is a duplicate of data on a computer, or part of it, that is made to restore a previous state of the system in case of failure. Normally, if a virus enters or there is a problem, the easiest solution is to format the computer, reset it to its initial values, and recover the backup when there was no problem.

But surely you already knew this. What you may not know is what NAS is . These acronyms correspond to the English Network Attached Storage , which translates as " Network Attached Storage ". A NAS server is a device that is designed precisely for this: for storing data and files on a network.

In other words, a NAS server is a device that is connected to your network and that serves as storage for the backup copies of the files you want.

Knowing this, you just have to connect the dots: a NAS backup is one in which the files are systematically saved on a NAS server, connected to your network, and previously configured.

The benefits of performing a NAS backup

NAS backups are proving to be really effective, because they avoid many of the inconveniences of conventional backups.

To explain its benefits, we are going to divide it into two sections, so that everything is clear to you.

Benefits of backups in general

As expected, a NAS copy is going to offer you all the advantages of any backup.

Among the points in which the use of NAS servers coincides with the copies in use, we can find the following:

• Avoid the loss of important data from your computers due to a virus or computer failure.

• By doing it externally, you avoid filling your own computer with data.

• It allows you to recover previous versions of your documents for any other reason, even if there is no computer failure.

•  It offers you an optimal level of security, because all files are stored in external locations, never physical or fixed, with the possibility of duplicating copies and with optimal encryption levels.

However, not all copies are the same, so now we are going to explain how NAS are different.

Why keep your backups on a NAS server?

Using a NAS server for your backups allows you to take advantage of other advantages that you will not have with a conventional backup:

• Constant backups, which in many cases allow you to recover files much more recent than a manual copy.

•  Great adaptability and possibility to select only those important files that you want to be saved.

•  High level of security, since they are devices specifically designed to store this type of data.

•  Great versatility and ease of use. If you regularly work with your computer and need constant backups, a NAS can save you a lot of time.

How to Backup to a NAS Server

In general, the advantages of making NAS backups will be all those derived from the use of this type of server. As you can guess, there are many, since these devices allow you to create a private cloud, a web server or an FTP to transfer files, P2P data downloads, large storage capacity and even a VPN.

All this will depend, among extra things, on the type of NAS you have and the specific use you give it. However, you can also go for a NAS in the cloud, an option that can save you a lot of time and money if you know how to use it.

Using this service in the cloud has great advantages, such as storage in an external, non-physical, and distant place, and the security guarantees of the server you hire. In addition, they are usually very fast and experience teaches us that they are very effective when saving and recovering data.

In general, we can tell you that making your backups with a NAS server, whether physical or in the cloud, is always a very good option.

However, not everyone has a good understanding of how they work or which one is best for them. If that is your case, you can communication us, and we will advise you so that you can have a much more protected computer against attacks or computer failures.

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