The search intent is one of the factors that matter most today when positioning a website.

With the improvement of artificial intelligences and search engines, the quality of the content that is displayed on the webs matters more and more. One of the parameters used to measure this quality and rank higher in search engines is precisely the user's search intention. construction bolts 

In this post we are money-making to explain what exactly the Search Intent is , what types are there and how it influences the positioning of your website.  techsmartinfo

How is search intent defined?

Simply put, search intent is the goal that a user tries to find when conducting a specific search on the Internet.

His name is quite transparent in this regard. The difficult thing, then, is not knowing what the user's search intent is, but rather understanding how it works.  futuretechexpert

When someone is using a search engine, such as Google, to find information or a product, they have a specific intention. Your intention is, if it weren't obvious, to find what you are looking for.

How does the Search Intent influence the positioning?

The answer is: it influences, and a lot. If you, as a seller of a product or as the author of a blog, can guess what specific information a user is looking for when they type a word, you will have found the key.

On many occasions the words that a person writes on the Internet do not exactly correspond to what they want to find. Keep in mind that the positioning is designed so that the user has quality information, so the more it adjusts to what they are looking for, the higher a website will position in front of the others.

The artificial intelligences of the search engines are in charge of joining threads and making the information reach the user as soon as possible. Discovering those threads, and knowing the relationship between what is written and what is expected to be found is one of the holy grails of SEO. lifebloombeauty

The types of search intent that exist

Being relatively abstract, the study of Search Intent needs to be divided into different categories. There are different types of search intent, which you need to know to know how to more easily reach potential customers:

1. Informational

It is the most common and simplest intention. The user just wants to find a piece of information, answer a question. In other words: the product you are looking for is generally not bought, but is read directly on the Internet.

However, this should not be underestimated. For companies and businesses it is very important to offer information to the user. Search engines take into account that the information offered on the webs is of quality and manages to respond to the needs of Internet users.

Within the category of informational intention, you can find simpler searches and other more complex ones, but the purpose is to inform yourself. The opportunity that you will end up buying or subscribing to a service is quite low. technologywebdesign

Examples of this type of intention would be the following:

Apple pie recipe

Line 6 bus stops

· How old is the queen?

2. Commercial

As its name suggests, commercial search intentions are those in which the user is interested in a product or service.

They are very important for business, because in most cases the position of a website in the search engine determines the customer's choice. You may just be looking for comparisons, reviews, or information about a product. But the important thing is that it is something that can be bought, and ideally that it is sold on your website.

Here are some examples to understand this type of intention:

· What is the best non-alcoholic beer?

The best desktop computers

Comparison of vests for the motorcycle

3. Navigation

Internet browsing can take place in many ways, and each user is different. There are people who use bookmarks, others go to their history, create a personalized start or always search the web they want to visit on Google.

The intention of navigational search is precisely that in which the user tries to enter a specific website but through a search engine.

That is, instead of entering directly through bookmarks, links, writing in the navigation bar or any other method, the user would write examples such as the following in the search engine:  techbizcenter


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